Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the South Carolina Low Country Chapter, West Virginia University Alumni Association.
Section 1.
The purpose of this Chapter shall be to promote, by organized effort, the interests and welfare of West Virginia University; to encourage closer fellowship among alumni, former students, and friends of the University in this area; to cooperate as West Virginia Alumni, in supporting and developing the civic activities of this community; to establish and maintain close contact and better understanding between the University and its graduates and former students in this locality. This Chapter is formed as a non-profit, social organization.
Section 1.
Any graduates, former students, former residents of West Virginia, or individuals who show interest in the University may become active members of this Chapter.
Section 2.
An assessment of $10.00 per individual will be charged to all members of this Chapter per year commencing March 1st through February 28th/29th. This assessment will be used to defray operating and program expenses of the Chapter.
Section 1.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers of the Chapter, and the appointed members (social chair, service chair, membership recruitment chair, scholarship chair, & historian). For the first year of operation, additional members of the Board of Directors shall include the organizing members of the Chapter.
Section 2.
The officers of this Chapter shall consist of (a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer).
Section 3.
Appointed Chairs
The appointed positions of the Chapter shall consist of Social Chair, Membership Recruitment Chair, Scholarship Chair, Service Chair, and Historian. These positions may be filled on a volunteer basis. If more than one Chapter member volunteers for each position, the officers shall make the appointment decision.
Section 4.
The election of officers shall be held at an annual meeting called for this purpose. The meeting may be held in conjunction with another activity but the intention to hold elections must be clearly spelled out to all members.
Section 1.
Duties of Board of Directors
(a) This group shall be the governing Board of the Chapter. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called at the discretion of the President, and the Secretary shall be responsible for reporting such meetings at subsequent Chapter meetings. The President of the Chapter shall be chairmen of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall include the appointed members (social chair, service chair, membership recruitment chair, scholarship chair, & historian).
Section 2.
Duties of Officers
(a) President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter, and act as an ex-officio member of all committees. The President, through the Secretary, shall be responsible for the calling of all regular and special meetings of the Chapter. The President shall be responsible for the appointment of all Committee Chairmen (activities, media coverage and publicity, phone solicitation, registration, bus tour coordinator, etc.).
(b) Vice President. In the absence or disability of the President, or at his request, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. If the office of the President becomes vacant, he shall become President until the next annual election.
(c) Secretary. All official minutes of the business meeting(s) of the Chapter must be kept by the Secretary. The Secretary shall give public notice of meetings of the Chapter, including a notice to the West Virginia University Alumni Association. The Secretary shall keep complete records of all potential and active members of the Chapter in the locality. The Secretary shall secure this list from the West Virginia University Alumni Association and cooperate in every possible way with the Association to insure its completeness and accuracy. The Secretary shall use the alumni list only for Chapter and West Virginia University Alumni Association activities and elections, and shall never, under any circumstances, release the list for outside commercial or potential commercial activities. An active Chapter roster will also be maintained and a copy furnished to Alumni headquarters as soon as such a base roster is devised. Chapters will provide updated material to main listings on a current basis.
(d) Treasurer. This officer shall be responsible for all receipts and expenditures of the Chapter and shall cooperate and assist the Secretary with the records. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of any dues. The Treasurer shall be responsible for making an annual financial report at the annual meeting of the Chapter.
Section 3.
Duties of Appointed Positions
(a) Social Chair. The Social Chair shall be responsible for coordinating social actives and promoting them throughout the Chapter and the community. This officer is also responsible for coordinating efforts to promote these activities.
(b) Membership Recruitment Chair. The Membership Recruitment Chair shall direct all recruitment activities. Increasing chapter membership is his/her primary responsibility. Other responsibilities include keeping complete records of all potential and active members of the Chapter in the locality. The Membership Recruitment Chair shall secure this list from the West Virginia University Alumni Association and cooperate in every possible way with the Association to insure its completeness and accuracy. The alumni list shall only be used for Chapter and West Virginia University Alumni Association activities and elections, and shall never, under any circumstances, be released for outside commercial or potential commercial activities. An active Chapter roster will also be maintained and a copy furnished to Alumni headquarters as soon as such a base roster is devised. Chapters will provide updated material to main listings on a current basis.
(c) Scholarship Chair. The Scholarship Chair is responsible for documenting policies and coordinating fund raising efforts for the Chapter Scholarship Fund. Acts as liaison between the Scholarship Planning Committee and the Chapter Board of Directors and chapter officers.
(d) Service Chair. The Service Chair shall be responsible for coordinating and organizing efforts to participate in events that promote the improvement of the chapter and the Charleston area community. This position should also keep records of all community service hours performed by chapter members. He/she shall also be responsible for coordinating all student recruitment events.
(e) Historian. The Historian will be responsible for documenting Chapter events. This will include written as well as photographic documentation. His/her primary responsibility is to keep the chapter homepage updated and supplied with current information. He/she will also coordinate with the Secretary to retrieve minutes and newsletters which will be posted via the Internet and updated in a timely manner.
Section 1.
Number of Meetings
At least four Chapter meetings a year shall be held. At least one shall be designated as a business meeting.
Section 2.
Other Meetings
Additional meetings, activities and social functions shall be held at the discretion of the President and/or Board of Directors. The number of meetings should be sufficient to carry out the purpose of the Chapter as outlined in Article II and to maintain the interest and the enthusiasm of the members.
Section 3.
Notice of Meetings
Public notice shall be given of all meetings. Extensive media (radio, television, email, newspaper) coverage will be utilized whenever possible.
Section 1.
This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of Chapter members present an any duly called business meeting of the Chapter.
Section 2.
This Constitution was officially adopted and approved by a majority vote of the members in attendance at the first regular meeting of the Chapter held February 6th 2007in Charleston, South Carolina

The Chapter organizing members are: Jason Eary, Rob Allen, Kim Allen, John Halley, Doug VanScoy, Laine Gawthrop, Brian Gawthrop, Stephanie Scales, Nikki Rasnic, Josh Kelly, Parker Leonard, Mary Leonard, Kari Law, Andrew Alden, Rabiya Hasan, Rodney Davis, Kevin Schuller, Kelly Schuller, Lauren Richardson, Warren Chico, Jason Murphy, Donna Murphy, Troy Lawrence, Jonah Jabbour, Sara Roth, Molli Roth, Christopher Chaffin.
The Officers selected by the Chapter for the first term are:
President: Sara A. Roth
Vice President: Parker Leonard
Secretary: Josh Kelly
Treasurer: Mary Leonard